Our safe environment is full of toys that offer a whole range of sensory experiences. We support your child while they explore, always encouraging them to experience everything the room offers. We enjoy finger painting, listening to songs and our favourite; story-time.
Before a child starts to speak, they are able to use sign language to help communicate. This helps improve the child’s interaction, which in turn puts them on the path to independence. We will teach basic hand signals to help them interact with you and our teachers.
We help your child become comfortable and secure in a new group setting, independent of primary family members. As infant development progresses, additional learning outcomes include such things as self-feeding and hand/eye coordination.
Our focus for infants is on development. We work on language, hand movement with song, motor and sensory. Infants are often placed on their tummies which allows them to stretch and gain core strength. This becomes essential as they begin to crawl and pull themselves up.